Grassroots Community Garden


The Grassroots Community Garden started in 2011.  Every year, local gardeners needing their own spot of land have planted, grown, and harvested a wide variety of produce. The garden is open to anyone who is interested in trying their hand at gardening and just needs a little space.  Local merchants have generously helped each year in providing seeds, plants, mulch, tilling, and other resources so the cost to gardeners stays low. Please fill out the form below to apply for a plot.

Grassroots Gardener Guidelines 2025

Thank you for being a part of this community health effort! The following are expectations for all gardeners so that everyone may have a safe, happy, and “productive” gardening experience!

Should a gardener be found in violation of any of these guidelines, they will be contacted by phone and/or e-mail and will have one week to address the violation. After one week, if the violation has not been remedied, they will lose any current and future gardening privileges.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call 636-528-6117

  1. All gardeners are required to complete an application form. An application fee of $25 per plot is due before planting.

  2. All gardeners are required to have a short education session on using the power equipment before planting. Please follow the provided instructions and guidelines for the equipment. If you need assistance or are unsure about using the equipment, contact Glenda during business hours.

  3. If you are going out of town for an extended period, or will be unable to continue working on your garden, please call Glenda as soon as possible. You are asked to either clean out your plot or coordinate with other gardeners who may be interested in harvesting the rest of your produce.

  4. Keep your plot tended. If your plot appears to be untended for a period of time and you haven’t contacted us, you will be contacted and your plot may be assigned to another gardener or mowed down.

  5. At the end of the gardening season, all dead plants and non-plant materials (string, wire, wood, metal, plastic, etc.) must be removed and disposed of properly and all gardens left neat and tidy. If your garden is not cleaned up, you will lose your gardening privileges for the next season.

  6. Garden plots must be cleared by October 18, 2025, to allow for preparation of the ground for next year.

  7. Plant tall plants and vines in places where they will not interfere with your neighbor’s plot. Planting illegal plants is prohibited.

  8. Pick up litter when you see it and put it in the trash bin. Do not leave litter in the pathway.

  9. Please put weeds and dead plants into the compost area. Do not leave garden waste in the pathway.

  10. Do not apply anything to or pick anything from another person’s plot without their approval.

  11. Please make sure the water is turned off when you are finished using it. Do not leave the water on unattended. When finished gardening for the day, please roll up the hose at the faucet area.

  12. Smoking/Vaping is prohibit on health department grounds and chewing tobacco is not allowed. Tobacco can transmit a lethal virus to tomatoes and cigarette butts are loaded with toxins.

  13. Fires are not allowed.

  14. Please do not drive or park on the grass when the ground is wet/soggy and ruts may be left behind.

  15. Please supervise children in the garden. Do not let children play in the street.

  16. If you use items in the shed, please make sure it is locked before you leave. The lock code will be given to you upon request.

  17. Please keep the garden equipment, shed, and its contents neat and tidy.

  18. Please do not block the main entrance/roadway during work hours, M-F 8-4:30pm.

  19. For your safety, only garden during daylight hours. Consider gardening in pairs or keeping a cell phone nearby if it makes you feel more comfortable.

  20. Report theft, vandalism, and unusual activities to Glenda and police.

  21. If you have leftover fruits/veggies you are willing to donate to area food pantries, please let us know.

  22. Use common courtesy, be considerate of your gardening neighbors and ENJOY!

Grassroots Garden Equipment information

***As of February 2025 we are testing and performing maintenance on all equipment***

  • Replacing a tiller or a lawn mower is expensive, and affects the garden program. It is the responsibility of all gardeners to make sure that our equipment stays in good working order.

  • If you notice an issue (weird sound, loose part, something broken) with any of the equipment, please notify Glenda as soon as possible.

  • Gas and oil for each machine will be in clearly labeled containers. Please use the correct container when adding fluids. If you notice that we are low on gas, oil, or fuel mix, please let Glenda know so it can be refilled!

  • Other equipment – hand tools, stakes, tomato cages – are available for everyone’s use and are first-come, first-serve.

  • Please put away all equipment and materials as clean as possible (i.e. not covered in mud) and ready for the next person to use.

  • If you need to use the equipment but are unable/unsure, please contact us during work hours M-F 8:00-4:30. We may be able to help!