Tuberculosis (TB) Testing
Call (636) 528-6117 to schedule an appointment.
Tuberculosis Skin Testing (TB skin test) is offered for a $19 fee at the health department.
TB skin tests are by appointment Mondays and Tuesdays only.
A TB test may be needed if you’ve spent time with someone who has TB disease, if you are from a country where TB disease is common, if you live or work in high-risk settings, if you’re a health-care worker who cares for patients at increased risk for TB disease, or if you have an infant, child or adolescent exposed to adults who are at increased risk for latent TB infection or TB disease.
The TB skin test tells if a person was exposed to the tuberculosis bacteria, which can cause a contagious lung disease or affect other parts of the body such as the brain, kidneys or spine. Certain people may need to be tested for TB infection if they are at a higher risk of being infected.
A TB skin test requires 2 visits
First Visit: The test is placed.
Second Visit: 48 to 72 hours later for the test reaction to be read.
If the return appointment for test result is missed, the test must be repeated.
If the TB skin test reacts, a medical evaluation is usually required. The Communicable Disease Program Coordinator will help to guide you through that process and follow up with your treatment. For more information on tuberculosis and testing go online to the CDC Tuberculosis info page.
Last Reviewed 2/26/2025