car seat program
Road injuries are the leading cause of preventable deaths and injuries to children in the United States. The best way to keep your child safe in the car is to use the right car seat in the right way. Correctly used child safety seats can reduce the risk of death by as much as 71%.
Child sitting rear-facing in a car seat installed in a vehicle.
Safe Kids Eastern Quad Counties
Car seat eligibility requirements:
Recipients must be legal guardians or parent
One car seat per child for the child’s present height and weight. Parents may not request the “next size up”
Recipients must have a vehicle with lap and shoulder belt as appropriate
Recipients may not receive more car seats than there are SAFE seatings positions in the vehicle
Recipients may be asked to pay $15.00 per car seat depending on the funding source
Car seats must be installed by a Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician by appointment, no walk-ins, please
Anyone is welcome to make an appointment to learn how to correctly install a car seat, whether or not they receive a seat
Schedule your appointment today!
Car seat installations and inspections are done by appointment only
call (636) 528- 6117 EXt. 409 or schedule below
Child passenger safety Steps!
Find the right car seat
Follow NHTSA’s car seat recommendations based on your child’s age and size
Install your car seat correctly
Understand the parts of the car seats used for installation, refer to the car seat & vehicle manuals
Make an appointment with your nearest certified car seat technician
Keep your child safe in a car seat
Register your car seat and sign up for recall notices to receive safety updates