School Immunizations (vaccines)
Stay up to Date with your child’s Vaccines!
Call to make your appointment (636) 528-6117
Upcoming school vaccine clinics:
Wednesday, March 5th- Lincoln County RIII School District
Thursday, March 13th- Winfield School District
Wednesday March 19th- Silex School District
Wednesday, March 19th- Elsberry School District
Kindergarten vaccines (age 4):
Varicella (chickenpox)
8th Grade vaccines (age 11) :
Meningococcal ACWY
Recommended: HPV
12th grade vaccines (age 16)
Required: Meningococcal ACWY
Recommended: Meningococcal B
Complete your forms online!
The back of a child wearing a green backpack
Have you heard of the (RISE) INITIATIVE?
RISE stands for Routine Immunizations on Schedule for Everyone. This initiative by the CDC is meant to provide actionable strategies, resources, and data to support getting all Americans back on-schedule with their routine immunizations. During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a drop in immunization for adults and children. Health care professionals and partners can work together to help you catch up on immunizations.
Questions? Contact us!
Phone: (636) 528-6117 ext 558
Fax: (636) 528-8629
Last Reviewed 7/5/2023