Back-To-School, but Let's Skip the Sickness.

It seems that as soon as the kids go back to school all types of sickness soon follow. From the sniffles to tummy aches, to the flu; there are some things we can do to help lessen the spread of these fast-moving germs. 

Make Sure Your Child is Up-To-Date on Their Vaccines.

Schedule a well-child visit with your pediatrician to check their immunization status as well as their overall health, such as meeting their growth goals.


Show Them Proper Hand Washing. 

Kids are always watching; lead by example and show them good hand washing techniques. Frequent handwashing is a great way to defend against germs. Teach your child to wet hands, apply soap, scrub while singing the ABCs, rinse, and dry with a towel. Kids can easily spread germs by touching surfaces and then touching their faces, mouths, nose, and eyes.

Pack Hand Sanitizer in Their Backpack.

Sometimes water and soap may not be available, so a simple solution is to send your child with hand sanitizer. Look for hand sanitizers that contain at least 60% alcohol and no methanol.

Sneeze in the Elbow

Teach your kid to sneeze or cough into their elbow to help prevent spraying germs around; literally. This also helps to keep germs off their hands, making them less likely to spread as they touch surfaces like tables, chairs, and toys.

Keep your Child Home as Needed

I know it can be hard to take off work every time your child is not feeling well, but doing so can  help prevent the spread of germs. Plus, if they’re able to get some rest this could lessen the duration of their sickness.

Let’s Talk Influenza

Influenza (flu) is a respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that infect the nose, throat, and lungs. The flu can spread to others up to 6ft away due to droplets that spread through coughing, sneezing, or talking. The flu may also be spread by touching surfaces or objects that have the flu virus on them, followed by one touching their mouth, nose, and eyes.

The best way to reduce your and your child’s risk of catching the flu is to get vaccinated each year. The Lincoln County Health Department has Regular FLUZONE Flu vaccine available to every person with or without insurance. 

For those who do not have insurance and are looking for FLUBLOK or HIGH DOSE FLUZONE, there will be a $65 self-pay charge. Other flu vaccine types are available for those who do have insurance (Regular FLUZONE 6 months and up, FLUBLOK approved for ages 18+ and recommended for 50+, HIGH DOSE FLUZONE recommended for 65+). If you have insurance, preregistration is recommended so that we can gather insurance information prior.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call (636)-528-6117. You can also find additional information regarding the flu on the CDC’s website.

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