Back To School Tips

Summer has come and gone. While the moms and dads may be celebrating as you get back into routine, it can also be a stressful, exciting time for the kiddos. It is our hope that our Lincoln County community of kids are ready to get back to learning for a successful 2022-2023 school year.  As you transition from summer routine to school time we have some tips that you might find helpful to use.


Tip #1: Establish Meal times  

I don’t know what it is about summer, but it seems like the kids become bottomless pits at home. Establishing a meal time routine will be helpful to get them back to a school schedule. Start with breakfast each morning. Eating a balanced breakfast will help them focus at school and have energy to start their day. Some items to include in a breakfast are whole grains, fruits, veggies, eggs, and yogurt! 


Find a time, mid-day, to have your child enjoy their lunch and talk about what lunch is going to look like when school starts. Will your child eat at school or pack a lunch or both? Take some time and make a list of lunch options for your child; that way, when the time comes they will be ready to make a choice. 


Plan for an afternoon snack for your child. Keep options available that are going to be high in nutrients and that they can easily grab or assemble. Some snacks can include a trail mix, yogurt and fruit, celery and peanut butter, or some popcorn and a cheese stick.  It can be helpful to give your child their own snack bin as well.


Tip #2: Make a Plan

Sit down and involve your child as you create the “school year schedule.” Take time to discuss how they will get to and from school, morning and night routines, lunch options, and maybe find a space in the home for homework time. Creating a plan with your child can help ease any stress with going into a new year and make for a smoother first day.

Tip #3: Morning and Bedtime Routine  

Do you have a morning routine? Establishing what your morning will look like is helpful as a parent and for your child to start the day out. Discuss what your morning and night routines will look like; when will they brush their teeth, get dressed, have breakfast, take a bath, get their backpack ready, or pack a lunch? Create a loose plan for how each of their daily tasks will get done.


Summer is filled with late nights and sleeping in, but school comes around, which means back to those early mornings. To help prepare for a smoother transition, start with your school sleep schedule 2 weeks prior. Help kids prepare for a better day at school by encouraging 8-10 hours of sleep each night. Having some routine will help kids feel more comfortable with the new changes. 


Tip #4: Attend Meet the Teacher and Open House

I know life can get crazy, especially if you have multiple kids, but take the opportunity to meet the teacher who your child will be spending the next school year with by attending open houses. This can help ease anxiety kids may be having as they enter the year with a new person in their life. When attending an open house, you can usually tour the school as well. Help your child become familiar with the new space and look for things like the gym, art room, playground, bathrooms, water fountains, and the cafeteria. You can also use this time to find some of their past friends to reconnect them with.


Tip #5: First Day of School Pictures

It is very exciting to share your child’s first day of school picture with your friends and family. However, we encourage you to be mindful when posting these pictures on social media with what you are sharing. Instead of sharing name, grade, school, teacher, height, weight, and their favorites you can consider keeping the picture simple with their name and grade. Keeping some of this information private can be very helpful for ensuring the safety of your child.


Tip #6: Ask Your Child About their Day

Take the time to talk to your child and ask how their day was; encourage them to share their highs and lows! Celebrate the highs and help them work through the lows. This seems like such a simple task, but with the hustle and bustle of life we can let these conversations slip our minds. Not only should you ask about their day; talk to them about how your day went.


Embrace this new school year with your child! Have fun and use these back to school tips for a better back to school transition.


Maranda Romanchuk