Handling Holiday Stress

Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and ringing in the New Year… it can be a lot. The Holidays are a great time to get together with your friends and family, however, stress can come along with that. With all the places you need to be, prepping food items, and making sure you’re getting time with your family we want to help you be able to enjoy the holidays by decreasing the amount of stress and how we handle the toll to our mental and physical health. This should be a time for you to be able to create memories, be present and do all the things you enjoy with the people that mean the most to you.

Take Care of your Body

Throughout the holiday season, continue to take care of your body with all the eating and drinking that typically comes with celebrating. 

  • Consume meals that are filling and nutritious.

  • Hydrate with water.

  • Get in movement daily.

  • Sleep for 7-9 hours each night.

Set Boundaries

Setting boundaries is one of the most important things that you can do for yourself. We spend so much time anticipating the holiday season that we can cause ourselves irritability and anxiety. To reduce these feelings of anxiousness, create boundaries by vocalizing what you need, when you feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed, or when you just need a break from high stress situations. Understand that the people who care about you will understand the need for you to take care of your mental health, it's just a matter of being upfront about what you need at that moment.

As you set boundaries, remember to pace yourself throughout the holiday celebrations. Instead of cramming all the planned festivities in within 2 days, talk to your loved ones about how you can space out the celebrations so you’re not rushing from place to place over a short time span. It’s also encouraged that you ask for help when needed, whether it be taking care of household chores, prepping for holiday parties, or whatever you may have on your plate that is filling up. This season is a time for helping others, and many are happy to do so.

Plan for Fun

Take time to plan things you truly enjoy. Holidays usually bring days filled with crazed shopping, crowded grocery stores, and tense family gatherings. Work to plan fun events too that help ease holiday stress. This can look like a movie night, game night, crafting, baking with your kids, or going to see some holiday lights.


The holiday budget may be tighter this year with the current economy. If you aren’t able to afford items like you have in the past, that is okay. Remember the holidays don’t need to revolve around gifts and we can give in other ways. If you typically have a gift for each family member, you can draw names instead. This will help your budget and also any stress that comes with planning and organizing shopping for a larger group of people. Instead of a gift, you can also find events to create memories at so that you’re spending time together rather than just spending money. Creating memories together will be far more valued than an abundance of gifts.


Take time to reflect on what you’re grateful for. Be intentional with recognizing everything you have in your life. Be grateful for the people around you, the memories you’ve created and for the adventures you’re looking forward to during the next year.

Stress Relief

As the stress builds, there are things you can do to naturally lower your stress. 

  1. Journal

  2. Get in some movement 

  3. Meditate

  4. Get outside for fresh air

  5. Practice deep breathing

  6. Take a break from the situation

  7. Talk to someone you trust

  8. Reduce time on social media

  9. Find a good book to read

  10. Invest in a new hobby

Take these tips to help you de-stress this holiday season. Set boundaries based on your priorities, plan events that you enjoy, remember the reason for the season, take time to reflect on the past year and what's to come and continue to take care of your body. Don’t let the hustle and bustle take time away from your friends and family while celebrating together. 

Happy Holidays!


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