What is fluoride?

Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that is found in all water sources. This includes oceans, rivers, and lakes. We also add fluoride to tap water, toothpaste, and mouthwashes. Fluoride helps make tooth enamel more resistant to decay. It can also help to repair weakened enamel. Enamel is the tough, outside layer of your teeth. Enamel is the hardest substance produced in your body and it protects the fragile parts of your teeth. You can talk about fluoride with your child’s dentist or pediatrician. For children younger than age 3, use fluoride toothpaste in an amount no more than a smear or the size of a grain of rice. For children ages 3 to 6, use no more than a pea-sized amount.  Learn more about fluoride by going to Fluoride - From MouthHealthy.org

Make an appointment at the Lincoln County Health Department by calling us at (636) 528-6117 and press 3.

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